Pluto Bukan Lagi Sebuah Planet
Mereka berpendapat bahawa Pluto tidak mencapai ciri-ciri sebuah planet. Sekarang, semua penduduk dunia perlu mengetahui status sistem solar kita. Setelah berdebat sekian lama, Kesatuan Astronomi Antarabangsa (International Astronomical Union) mengundi keluar Pluto dari sistem solar. Ianya akan diklasifikasikan semula dalam satu kategori baru iaitu "planet kerdil".
Carol Holmberf, Pengarah Fort Myers Planetarium menerangkan bahawa debat bermula apabila saintis menemui seketul batu yang lebih besar dari Pluto dalam orbit yang sama.Dia berkata lagi, sebelum keputusan diambil, planet diistilahkan sebagai apa sahaja yang terapung di sekeliling matahari.
Pendefinisian baru planet 2006
The IAU... resolves that planets and other bodies in our Solar System be defined into three distinct categories in the following way:
(1) A "planet" [1] is a celestial body that: (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit.
(2) A "dwarf planet" is a celestial body that: (a) is in orbit around the Sun, (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape [2], (c) has not cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit, and (d) is not a satellite.
(3) All other objects [3] except satellites orbiting the Sun shall be referred to collectively as "Small Solar System Bodies".
[1] The eight planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
[2] An IAU process will be established to assign borderline objects into either "dwarf planet" and other categories.
[3] These currently include most of the Solar System asteroids, most Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs), comets, and other small bodies.
The IAU further resolves:
Pluto is a "dwarf planet" by the above definition and is recognized as the prototype of a new category of trans-Neptunian objects.
Walaupun begitu, NASA masih meneruskan pelannya untuk ke Pluto. Kapal angkasa The New Horizons berlepas dari Florida pada Januari lalu dan akan tiba di Pluto dalam masa lapan tahun lagi. Kapal sebesar piano itu merupakan pesawat pertama yang akan melawat planet kerdil itu.