Getting Qurban meat for the needy everywhere
This is especially true in war-torn countries or those recovering from natural disasters, said Muhammad Kamarulazizi, fund-raising and marketing manager for Muslim Aid Malaysia Humanitarian Foundation.
Since 2004, Muslim Aid has organised a food aid programme, Qurban for Life, to coincide with the Aidiladha celebrations every year.
He said most of the time in Malaysia, the meat was simply distributed to people in the community, and for various reasons, many just dump it in their freezer and waste it or let it go bad.
“In our Qurban for Life programme, the meat is canned so that it lasts longer and we distribute them to those who really need the food,” he adds.
Last year, Muslim Aid delivered RM1.37mil worth of Qurban meat to the poor and needy in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Ghana, Indonesia, Iraq, Palestine and Kenya among others. Some meat was also donated to the Malaysian poor, including the aged and disabled.
This year, Muslim Aid plans to send Qurban meat to famine victims in Somalia, the earthquake victims in Padang and some of the local flood victims.
There are three types of Qurban donations under Muslim Aid’s Qurban for Life programme ... full Qurban for a goat or sheep (RM350), half Qurban (RM200) or Food Aid Gift (RM100).
The canned meat, which can be kept for three years, is certified halal by Jakim and the slaughtering is monitored by MAA representatives from Malaysia, Australia and Singapore.
Muslim Aid Malaysia is part of British-based international relief and development agency Muslim Aid Asia founded by Yusuf Islam in 1985, as a response to the famine in Africa.
It has already received some RM280,000 of Qurban donations for this year’s Aidiladha celebration which falls on Friday.
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