Low-key Khairy in KT vote (K.Terengganu by Election)

After being associated with Barisan Nasional's poor performance in the last general election and the Permatang Pauh by-election, Umno Youth deputy chief Khairy Jamaluddin hit the campaign trail for the key Kuala Terengganu vote this week determined to show he is not a spent force.

The son-in-law of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has been making low-key visits to the constituency since Monday, unlike in the Permatang Pauh by-election campaign, where he addressed high-profile public rallies while making personal attacks against opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

At a campaign rally last night in the interior of Kuala Terengganu, the first-term MP reminded dozens of people, mainly party workers, on his success in causing a rift in the Pakatan Rakyat by bringing up the hudud issue.

The hudud controversy first surfaced after Pas vice-president Datuk Husam Musa said that his party would introduce the strict Islamic law which prescribes stoning, amputation and whipping for criminal offences, if it takes federal power.

Khairy told the crowd how at a forum in Kota Baru last month he made the Kelantan state executive councillor renew the Islamist party's commitment in implementing hudud.

"I only asked him one question, whether Pas would implement hudud and because he was speaking before hardcore Pas supporters, he had to give a firm answer and said yes," said Khairy, reminding the crowd how Husam's remark made headlines the next day.

"The day after Lim Kit Siang issued a statement saying hudud is not part of Pakatan Rakyat policies," he added.

He also took the opportunity to slam Anwar over his failure to address the hudud issue.

"Anwar, who looked great in uniting Pas and DAP in fighting against BN, has kept quiet on the hudud issue," said Khairy.

Khairy said DAP has managed to pressure Pas to tone down its stand on hudud and to implement the Chinese-majority party's policies.

"In Perak the exco post for land was given to DAP. Pas is now DAP's puppet. Pas is not ruling Perak but DAP," said Khairy before the all-Malay crowd.

- Malaysian Insider
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