Tips for How to Make a Resume

Before helping you with how to write a resume, let me first give you two important facts you must know:

1. Your resume is the opportunity to make a good first impression on your prospective employer, and

2. Hiring agents are very busy and merely scan through the piles of resumes in front of them.

Tip #1 - Make Your Resume Relevant

Write your resume with the specific job in mind. It might be more work, but it's worth the effort.

Don't try and cram all your experience into the resume. Only include what your research says is relevant to the job.

You'll make the hiring manager love you if you give just the relevant information and save her the effort of wading through irrelevant experience.

Tailor your resume specifically to the needs of those who are going to read it.

Tip #2 - Write a Compelling Summary

Think of the summary at the top of your resume as the teaser at the top of a newspaper article, after the headline. That's how hiring managers read resumes.

If the hiring manager doesn't see something compelling in the summary, your resume disappears into the pile. Draw the reader's interest with an interesting and relevant summary of your experience.

With a great summary you'll be making the life of the hiring manager a lot easier.

Tip #3 - Sell Your Benefits

Many resumes bore people to tears. Do hiring managers keep tissues on their desk because they suffer from hayfever? No, it's the dull resumes that are boring them to tears.

The resume contains your own individual ad. What do have most ads have in common? They focus you on the benefits because that's what convinces people to buy. People only "buy" when they believe they will benefit from what they are buying.

Don't bore the hiring manager with just a list of your features.

What's a feature and what's a benefit?

"Ten years of website development," is a feature.

"Ten years of website development that will enhance corporate image and website search engine rankings," is a benefit.

Tip #4 - Make Sure There are No Spelling Mistakes

Nowadays you really don't have an excuse if there are spelling errors in your resume. If you can't be bothered to press F7 in MS Word, why should a company be bothered to hire you and pay you a salary?

You cannot "recall" your resume once it's out there in when wild.

Make absolutely certain that it's as near perfect as possible.

Submitting a resume with spelling errors give off a very bad impression.

It's one of the easiest how to write a resume tricks that many people forget.
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