Fatwas Given By Islamic Scholars On Israel Product

Shaykh Yusuf Al Qaradawi
(Egypt / Qatar)

"Each riyal, dirham …etc. used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to be fired at the hearts of brothers and children in Palestine. For this reason, it is an obligation not to help them (the enemies of Islam) by buying their goods. To buy their goods is to support tyranny, oppression and aggression."

20 Muharram 1423 AH

4 April 2002

Question: Are we allowed to buy items from Israeli sources, even though this money may be used to help the Jewish "war machine"?

Answer by Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi:

It is Jihad to liberate the Islamic lands from those who attack or conquer them. These are enemies of Islam. This Jihad is an absolute obligation and a sacred duty; firstly on the people of that land. If the Muslims of that land can't offer sufficientresistance, then Muslims of neighboring countries are obliged to assist. If this is still not sufficient then all the Muslims of the world must assist.

Palestine is the land of the first Qiblah of the Muslims, the land of Isra' and Mi`raj, the land of Al-Aqsa and the blessed territory. The conquerors are those with the greatest enmity to the believers, and they are supported by the strongest state on earth - the USA, and by the world Jewish community.

Jihad is obligatory against those who take land and expel the inhabitants, spill the blood, violate the honor, destroy the houses, burn the fields, and corrupt the land. Jihad is the first obligation of all obligations, and the first duty of the Ummah. Muslims are commanded to do this, first those from the land in question, after that their neighbors, and finally all Muslims. We must all be united against the aggressors. We are united in Islam, including unity of belief in the Shari`ah, unity of belief in the Qiblah, and also united in pain and hope. As Allah Almighty says: "Verily this Ummah of yours is one Ummah." (Qur'an, 21:92). Allah Almighty also says: "Surely the believers are a single brotherhood." (Qur'an, 49:10). There is a Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, that states: "The Muslim is the brother to the Muslim, he can't oppress him, he can't give him up, he can't let him down." [Transmitted by Muslim].

Now we see our brothers and children in Al-Aqsa and the blessed land of Palestine generously sacrificing their blood, giving their souls willingly in the way of Allah. All Muslims must help them with whatever power they have. (See the Noble Qur'an, 8:72).

If people ask in the name of religion we must help them. The vehicle of this support is a complete boycott of the enemies' goods. Each riyal, dirham …etc. used to buy their goods eventually becomes bullets to be fired at the hearts of brothers and children in Palestine. For this reason, it is an obligation not to help them (the enemies of Islam) by buying their goods. To buy their goods is to support tyranny, oppression and aggression. Buying goods from them will strengthen them; our duty is to make them as weak as we can. Our obligation is to strengthen our resisting brothers in the Sacred Land as much as we can. If we cannot strengthen the brothers, we have a duty to make the enemy weak. If their weakness cannot be achieved except by boycott, we must boycott them.

American goods, exactly like "Israeli" goods, are forbidden. It is also forbidden to advertise these goods. America today is a second Israel. It totally supports the Zionist entity. The usurper could not do this without the support of America. "Israel's" unjustified destruction and vandalism of everything has been using American money, American weapons, and the American veto. America has done this for decades without suffering the consequences of any punishment or protests about their oppressive and prejudiced position from the Islamic world.

The time has come for the Islamic Ummah to say "NO" to America, "NO" to its companies, and "NO" to its goods, which swamp our markets. We are eating, drinking, wearing and riding whatever America produces.
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