Influenza A(H1N1) : Protect yourselves

With the number of reported Influenza A(H1N1) cases and deaths on the rise, it is normal for us to feel anxious about the spread of the disease, and our chances of getting it. However, there are a few things we should keep in mind:

I. Panic and fear do not help. If you have flu-like symptoms, avoid:

·We are right to be concerned, and we should practise good personal hygiene and social distancing to prevent ourselves from getting Influenza A(H1N1). But there is no reason for us to panic because we can prevent ourselves from getting it, and treatment is available.

·If we have influenza-like symptoms, we should check with a doctor and take appropriate measures.

II. But should we all get anti-viral medication?

·Oseltamivir and zanamivir are anti-viral medications that can stop the virus from replicating in the body. It works best if taken within two days after symptoms appear, but it is not necessary for healthy people as the disease is usually mild and self-limiting.

·Currently, the following groups will be given anti-viral medications if they have symptoms of influenza-like illness:

i) People who are in the high-risk groups (see IV).

ii) People who are not in the high-risk groups but have had persistent, high fever, for more than two days.

·However, regardless of whether anti-viral medications are prescribed, it is important for everyone who has influenza-like illness to monitor their own symptoms and seek medical help immediately if symptoms worsen.

III. What should we do then?

·We should keep ourselves as healthy as possible – eat well, rest well and exercise regularly.

· Those of us who have influenza-like illness should take responsibility for our own health. We should ask doctors about steps we should take to recover and avoid spreading the infection.

·Those of us who are caring for people with influenza-like illness should always take extra precautions to make sure we ourselves are not infected. Be on the lookout for early flu symptoms and seek medical advice promptly.

·Doctors and healthcare workers should be vigilant and take all influenza-like illnesses seriously. All patients should be reminded to monitor their own symptoms and take precautionary measures to avoid spreading the infection.

IV. As for people who are at high risk...

People who are at risk of severe illness or complications from Influenza A(H1N1) infections must SEEK IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. Individuals at risk for severe illness or complications are as follows:

> Children less than 5 years old

> Persons aged 65 years and older

> Children and adolescents (less than 19 years old) on long term aspirin therapy

> Pregnant women

> Adults and children with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, organ failure, cardiovascular diseases, hepatic, haematologic, neurologic, neuromuscular, or metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus.

> Adults and children who have suppressed immune systems (including that caused by medications or by HIV infection)

> Residents of nursing homes and other chronic care facilities

> Individuals who are obese

V. Are we doing enough to stop A(H1N1)?

·The Ministry of Health has made efforts to increase hospitals’ and clinics’ access to anti-virals.

·Confirmatory testing is only done for severe cases that require hospital admission.

·Anti-viral medication may be prescribed by all government and private hospitals and clinics based on the doctors’ clinical judgement.

·Nevertheless, to achieve effective infection control within the community, there is still a need for the public to cooperate with the health authorities by practising cough etiquette, good hand hygiene and social distancing.

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